5 FREE Guides To Help You Get Started In Photography

Each and every day, more and more people are beginning to develop a passion and interest in photography. If your photographic pursuits have brought you here, your main goals might include unleashing your inner artist, standing out in the photographic community, and discussing learning opportunities. This is where we come in!

With these five free guides below from our friends at Photzy, we hope that you’ll be inspired to discover your inner potential in Photography. It’s not something that can be achieved overnight, but it’s a learning process. All you have to do is take it one step at a time.

Motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” If you’re ready to take your photography to the next level, then check out this compilation of guides to fuel your passion and drive as you get started in photography. Let’s do this!

1. The Four Common Misconceptions Beginning Photographers Believe

In this short eBook, David Veldman, presents four of the most common misconceptions that he believes every new photographer will encounter and struggle with. You might have encountered some of these misconceptions through comments or advice from friends, other photographers, and what you’ve read online. It can get a bit overwhelming when you’re starting out sometimes and an information overload! I particularly enjoy this quote from David in this eBook where he says, “…Take every piece of advice with a healthy dose of skepticism.” We hope this eBook helps to clarify some misconceptions as you begin your photography journey.

2. Why You Need to Understand Your Camera

In this guide, author and professional photographer, Karthika Gupta will share with you a few reasons why taking the time and making the effort to learn the functions of your camera will be extremely beneficial in the long run. There’s been a tremendous change compared to how cameras operated ‘back in the day’. Settings are now getting more sophisticated. Karthika highlights the differences between using auto mode and letting your camera make all the decisions for the types of photos you can take, versus having the ability to use your camera to set what focal length, aperture, and ISO to use for a particular image.

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Photograph by Eduardo Gorghetto

3. Elements of a Successful Photograph

Discovering your creative voice and practicing your photography can lead you toward creating high-quality, professionally styled, and successful photographs. If you’re a beginner, a part-time photographer, or someone who has a passion for photography despite having a lot on your plate, it’s not going to be easy to be consistent in terms of growth and productivity. But learning techniques and understanding how to achieve a successful photograph can really help. This guide aims to aid you on your creative path to develop your own voice and help you stand out.

4. Beginner’s Guide to Still Life Photography

Still Life Photography is normally not a genre many consider for photographers starting out. This guide by Stacey Hill introduces Still Life Photography to newcomers by starting with some basic guiding principles that can be applied in crafting and composing a successful image. Both an informative and fundamental guide, you’ll learn some topics like subject, story, mood, background, props, and layout. Grab your free download now.

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Photograph by Jake Johnson

5. Tips for Self-Assigned Photo Learning Projects – Free Quick Guide

This eBook revolves around the principle behind the famous quote, “Practice makes perfect.” This certainly rings true, but you won’t reap the benefits if you don’t push and challenge yourself as well. Enter this great quick guide, written by author and photographer, Robin Nichols. The content is laid out in a way that it can engage you with techniques and creative ideas in crafting self-assigned learning projects. And yes, that means stepping out of your comfort zone to discover your other skills and master your field of interest. Robin also has some excellent tips for you on creating a self-assigned project, completing that project, and finally evaluating how it went for you and reflecting on what you have learned.

Want to expand your shooting skills and master photography?
If you want to discover certain photographic skills and explore your photography and creative talents, grab this set of 65 beautifully designed and printable Action Cards that will give you over 200 photography assignments to help you take your photography to the next level. Check it out here.

Cover Photo by Dan Gold via Unsplash

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